
The School of Biblical Evangelism is unavailable, but you can change that!

With 101 lessons on subjects ranging from basic Christian doctrines to knowing our enemy, from false conversions to proving the deity of Jesus, you will be well-equipped to answer questions as you witness to anyone. This study course will help you to prove the authenticity of the Bible, provide ample evidence for creation, refute the claims of evolution, understand the beliefs of those in cults...

assurance of salvation. As you do so, you may feel bad that you are making him uncomfortable, but if you care about his eternal salvation, you must ask yourself, “Which is worse: a few moments of conviction under the sound of God’s Law, or eternity in the Lake of Fire?” Unless there is a knowledge of sin (which comes by the Law—Romans 7:7), there will be no repentance. In John 4:7–26, the Bible gives us the Master’s example of how to share the gospel. Notice that Jesus spoke to the woman at the well
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